Click the chapter name for .pdf
(except where "(html)" is specified), "ps" for .ps (PostScript).
oo = infinity,
^ = Laplace/Fourier transform,
-> = "is mapped to".
The last number on most rows is the page number
(to which you should add 0-5; all page numbers in the thesis
outside the contents are correct).
The printed version of the book is in three volumes.
The book consists of parts I--IV, Appendices A--F
and some supplements.
Abstract, contents, figures, preface, ...
(ps) -1
Abstract, keywords (html)
(ps) 2
Preface (html)
(ps) 9
1 Introduction
(ps) 11
1.1 On the contributions of this book 12
1.2 A summary of this book 15
1.3 Conventions 43
2 TI and MTI Operators
(ps) 47
2.1 Time-invariant operators (TI) 48
2.2 GTIC -- invertibility 55
2.3 Static operators 63
2.4 The signature operator S 65
2.5 Losslessness 68
2.6 MTI and its subclasses (measure convolutions) 71
3 Transfer Functions
(ps) 79
3.1 Transfer functions of TI
(Lap TI = Loostrong) 80
Lap TI = Loostrong for Banach spaces
(Fourier multipliers) 90
H2 and Hoo boundary functions
in L2 and Loostrong 99
4 Corona Theorems and Inverses (ps) 115
5 Spectral Factorization
(ps) 133
5.1 Auxiliary spectral factorization results 133
MTI spectral factorization (E,X,Y in MTI) 140
6 Well-Posed Linear Systems (WPLS)
(ps) 151
6.1 WPLS theory 153
6.2 Regularity (^D(+oo) exists) 166
6.3 Further regularity and compatibility 180
6.4 Spectral and coprime factorizations (D=NM-1) 202
6.5 Further coprimeness and factorizations 210
6.6 Feedback and Stabilization 219
6.7 Further feedback results 244
6.8 Systems with ABu0 in Lp([0,1];H) 263
6.9 Bounded B, bounded C, PS-systems 272
7 Dynamic Stabilization
(ps) 279
7.1 Dynamic feedback (DF) stabilization 280
7.2 DF-stabilization with internal loop 291
7.3 DPF-stabilization
(Fl(D , Q )) 314
8 Optimal Control
(ps) 349
8.1 Abstract J-critical control
(Jyycrit _|_ Δy ) 351
8.2 Abstract J-coercivity
(J -> [u Du])
8.3 J-critical control for WPLSs 361
8.4 J-coercivity and factorizations 377
8.5 Problems on a finite time interval 392
8.6 Extended linear systems (ELS) 395
9 Riccati Equations (ARE) and J-Critical Control
(ps) 401
9.1 The Riccati Equation: A summary for
(r.c.f. <=> CARE) 404
9.2 Riccati equations when ABu0 in L¹ 417
9.3 Proofs for Section 9.2 432
9.4 Analytic semigroups 438
9.5 Parabolic problems and CAREs 443
9.6 Parabolic problems: proofs 450
9.7 Riccati equations on Dom(Acrit) 452
9.8 Algebraic and integral Riccati equations
(CARE <=> IARE) 465
9.9 J-Critical control <=> Riccati Equation 481
9.10 Proofs for Section 9.9:
Crit <=> eIARE 500
9.11 Proofs for Section 9.8:
eCARE <=> eIARE 507
9.12 Further eIARE and eCARE results 517
9.13 Examples of Riccati equations 525
9.14 (J,*)-critical factorization
(D=NM-1) 534
9.15 H²-factorization when dim U < infty 539
10 Quadratic Minimization
(min J)
(ps) 543
10.1 Minimizing
/0oo ||y||²+||u||² (LQR)
10.2 General minimization (LQR) 553
10.3 Standard assumptions 568
10.4 The H² problem 580
10.5 Real lemmas 587
10.6 Positive Popov operators
(ε I < D*JD = X*X) 592
10.7 Positive Riccati equations
(J(0,u) >= 0) 601
11 Hoo Full-Information Control Problem
(||z||2 =< γ||w||2)
(ps) 607
11.1 The Hoo Full-Info Control Problem (FICP) 608
11.2 The Hoo FICP: proofs 625
11.3 The Hoo FICP: stable case 649
11.4 Minimax J-coercivity 665
11.5 The discrete-time Hoo ficp 669
11.6 The Hoo ficp: proofs 673
11.7 The abstract Hoo FICP 676
11.8 The Nehari problem 680
11.9 The proofs for Section 11.8 682
12 Hoo Four-Block Problem
(||Fl(D , Q )|| < γ)
(ps) 685
12.1 The standard Hoo problem ( Hoo 4BP) 686
12.2 The discrete-time Hoo problem ( Hoo 4bp) 705
12.3 The frequency-space (I/O) Hoo 4BP 709
12.4 Proofs for Section 12.3 719
12.5 Proofs for Section 12.1 -- PX, PY, PZ 733
12.6 Proofs for Section 12.2 -- 4bp PX, PY, PZ 758
13 Discrete-Time Maps and Systems
(ti & wpls)
(ps) 777
13.1 Discrete-time I/O maps (tic) 779
13.2 The Cayley transform 787
13.3 Discrete-time systems (wpls(U,H,Y)) 792
13.4 Time discretization
(ΔS: WPLS -> wpls) 805
14 Riccati Equations (DARE)
(ps) 815
14.1 Discrete-time Riccati equations (DARE) 815
14.2 DARE --- further results 820
14.3 Spectral and coprime factorizations 829
15 Quadratic Minimization
(ps) 833
15.1 J-critical control and minimization 833
15.2 Standard assumptions in discrete time 839
15.3 Positive DAREs 842
15.4 Real lemmas 843
15.5 Riccati inequalities and the maximal solution 846
Conclusions (ps) 851
A Algebraic and Functional Analytic Results (ps) 853
A.1 Algebraic auxiliary results (Inverse( |
) = ( |
)) 854 | ||||||||
A.2 Topological spaces 863
A.3 Hilbert and Banach spaces 865 A.4 C0-Semigroups 896 |
B Integration and Differentiation in Banach Spaces
(ps) 903
B.1 The Lebesgue integral and Lp(R;[0,+oo)) spaces 904
B.2 Bochner measurability (L(Q;B)) 906
B.3 Lebesgue spaces (Lp(Q,μ;B)) 912
B.4 The Bochner integral (/Q: L¹(Q;B) -> B) 922
B.5 Differentiation of integrals 937
B.6 Vector-valued distributions D '(Ω;B) 943
B.7 Sobolev spaces Wk,p(Ω;B) 945
C Almost Periodic Functions (AP) (ps) 953
D Laplace and Fourier Transforms (Lap u = ^u) (ps) 957
E Interpolation Theorems
(ps) 983
E.1 Interpolation theorems
(Lp1 + Lp2 --> Lq1 + Lq2) 983
Lpstrong, Lpweak
and Integration
(ps) 993
Lpstrong, Lpweak 993
F.2 Strong and weak integration 1007
F.3 Weak Laplace transform 1013
References (ps) 1020
(ps) 1033
Glossary 1044
Abbreviations 1045
Acronyms 1046