Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin laitos


Research reports by Yaroslav V. Kurylev

Here are the reports authored by Yaroslav V. Kurylev. See the reports of all authors.

Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Research Reports A

Yaroslav V. Kurylev, Matti Lassas, Erkki Somersalo
Maxwell's Equations with Scalar Impedance: Direct and Inverse Problems   [pdf][ps] abstract: [pdf][ps]
Received 2003-01-07 * Maxwell's equations, differential forms, boundary control, inverse problem, Riemannian manifolds * AMS 35A21, 35J55, 35L50, 35Q60, 35R30, 53C21, 58A10, 58J32, 58J90, 78A25 * 55 pages

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