Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis


Research reports by Jarno Talponen

Here are the reports authored by Jarno Talponen. See the reports of all authors.

Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Research Reports A

Antti Rasila, Jarno Talponen
Convexity properties of quasihyperbolic balls on Banach spaces   [pdf][ps]
Received 2010-08-06 * quasihyperbolic metric, distance ratio metric, uniform convexity, starlikeness, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Radon-Nikodym property * AMS 30C65, 46T05 * 19 pages
Jarno Talponen
Special symmetries of Banach spaces isomorphic to Hilbert spaces   [pdf][ps]
Received 2009-09-03 * ultratechniques, rotations, characterizations of Hilbert spaces, dynamics of topological groups * AMS 46B04, 46B08 * 10 pages
Fernando Rambla-Barreno, Jarno Talponen
Uniformly convex-transitive function spaces   [pdf][ps]
Received 2009-09-03 * Banach spaces, uniform convex-transitivity, convex-transitive, almost transitive, vector-valued function spaces, rotations * AMS 46B04, 46B20, 46B25 * 19 pages

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