Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

The five main research areas of the Department are: algebra and discrete mathematics; analysis; numerical analysis and inverse problems; stochastics and statistics; systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and minor studies at the bachelor's and master's level and provide doctoral research training. Our graduates have been recruited by universities, research institutes, governmental agencies as well as companies in the financial, energy and transportation sectors, for instance.


29.7. 11:00  Yaël Dillies: Formalisation in Lean: Why care? – M3 (M234)

30.7. 14:00  Yaël Dillies: Lean: The basics (formalization workshop 1) – M3 (M234)

1.8. 14:00  Yaël Dillies: Lean: The slightly less basic (formalization workshop 2) – M3 (M234)


Tarley Fantazzini (Federal University of Sao Carlos) 1.2.–31.7.

Flávio Lim-Apo (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) 1.4.–30.9.

Nadja Aoutouf (INRIA National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) 15.5.–15.8.

Arnaud Bastian (École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)) 31.5.–8.9.

Mevlüde Alizade (Ankara University) 17.6.–23.8.

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