Lecture notes
Research articles
Consistent spectral clustering in sparse tensor block models
Community detection on block models with geometric kernels
Community recovery in non-binary and temporal stochastic block models
Information divergences and likelihood ratios of Poisson processes and point patterns
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2024
- L Leskelä
Connectivity of random hypergraphs with a given hyperedge size distribution
- Discrete Applied Mathematics 2024
- E Bergman, L Leskelä
Spatial queues with nearest neighbour shifts
Clique and cycle frequencies in a sparse random graph model with overlapping communities
Normal and stable approximation to subgraph counts in superpositions of Bernoulli random graphs
Distinguishing subsampled power laws from other heavy-tailed distributions
The influence of cross-border mobility on the COVID-19 epidemic in Nordic countries
- PLOS Computational Biology 2024
- M Shubin, H Kjelgaard Brustad, J Eriksson Midtbø, F Günther, L Alessandretti,
T Ala-Nissila, G Scalia Tomba, M Kivelä, L Yat Hin Chan, L Leskelä
Recovering static and time-varying communities using persistent edges
Clustering and percolation on superpositions of Bernoulli random graphs
- Random Structures & Algorithms 2023
- M Bloznelis, L Leskelä
Optimal intervention strategies for minimizing total incidence during an epidemic
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2023
- T Britton, L Leskelä
- The most read article of Siam J Appl Math in 2023
Persistence in a large network of locally interacting neurons
- Journal of Mathematical Biology 2023
- M Altamirano, R Cortez, M Jonckheere, L Leskelä
Estimating inter-regional mobility during disruption: a data fusion approach
- Travel Behaviour and Society 2023
- S Heydari, Z Huang, T Hiraoka, A Ponce de León Chávez, T Ala-Nissila, L Leskelä, M Kivelä, J Saramäki
Multilayer hypergraph clustering using the aggregate similarity matrix
A network community detection method with integration of data from multiple layers and node attributes
- Network Science 2023
- H Reittu, L Leskelä, T Räty
Adaptive and optimized COVID-19 vaccination strategies across geographical regions and age groups
- PLOS Computational Biology 2022
- J Molla, A Ponce de León Chávez, T Hiraoka, T Ala-Nissila, M Kivelä, L Leskelä
Ross's second conjecture and supermodular stochastic ordering
- Queueing Systems 2022
- L Leskelä
Assortativity and bidegree distributions on Bernoulli random graph superpositions
Consistent Bayesian community recovery in multilayer networks
Towards analyzing large graphs with quantum annealing and quantum gate computers
- H Reittu, V Kotovirta, L Leskelä, H Rummukainen, T Räty
Recovering communities in temporal networks using persistent edges
Pathwise Stieltjes integrals of discontinuously evaluated stochastic processes
First passage percolation in sparse random graphs with boundary weights
- Journal of Applied Probability 2019
- L Leskelä, H Ngo
Towards analyzing large graphs with quantum annealing
- IEEE Big Data 2019
- H Reittu, V Kotovirta, L Leskelä, H Rummukainen, T Räty
Analysis of large sparse graphs using regular decomposition of graph distance matrices
- IEEE Big Data 2018
- H Reittu, L Leskelä, T Räty, M Fiorucci
Parameter estimators of sparse random intersection graphs with thinned communities
Conditional convex orders and measurable martingale couplings
The impact of degree variability on connectivity properties of large networks
- Internet Mathematics 2017 / WAW 2015
- L Leskelä, H Ngo
Moment-based parameter estimation in binomial random intersection graph models
Diclique clustering in a directed random graph
Information spreading in a large population of active transmitters and passive receivers
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2015
- P Aalto, L Leskelä
Geometric juggling with q-analogues
Flow coupling and stochastic ordering of throughputs in linear networks
- Valuetools 2014
- L Leskelä
Hard-core thinnings of germ–grain models with power-law grain sizes
- Advances in Applied Probability 2013
- M Kuronen, L Leskelä
Stochastic order characterization of uniform integrability and tightness
- Statistics & Probability Letters 2013
- L Leskelä, M Vihola
Stability of a spatial polling system with greedy myopic service
- Annals of Operations Research 2012
- L Leskelä, F Unger
Juggler's exclusion process
- Journal of Applied Probability 2012
- L Leskelä, H Varpanen
A dilution test for the convergence of subseries of a monotone series
- Journal of Classical Analysis 2012
- L Leskelä, M Stenlund
A local limit theorem for a transient chaotic walk in a frozen environment
- Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2011
- L Leskelä, M Stenlund
Stochastic relations of random variables and processes
- Journal of Theoretical Probability 2010
- L Leskelä.
Interacting branching processes and linear file-sharing networks
Computational methods for stochastic relations and Markovian couplings
Stability of parallel queueing systems with coupled service rates
Stochastic bounds for two-layer loss systems
Scaling limits for random fields with long-range dependence
A tandem queueing network with feedback admission control
Stabilization of an overloaded queueing network using measurement-based admission control
- Journal of Applied Probability 2006
- L Leskelä
Does repacking improve performance of multiclass loss networks with overflow routing?
Stochastic ordering of network throughputs using flow couplings
Stochastic relations of random variables and processes
Stability of parallel queueing systems with coupled service rates
STOCHREL – A Matlab Stochastic Relations Package
- Version 1.0 released 2008-10-01