Emilia Takanen

A picture of me
© Anni Puurunen
Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Doctoral researcher in mathematics at Aalto University under the supervision of Oscar Kivinen since spring 2024.

I like geometry and am beginning to do research into sheaf-theoretic Floer homology for 3-manifolds and knots.

In addition to math I enjoy listening to music, drinking tea and going to the sauna so not much else actually.

I post pictures of math on @prettydiagrams@mathstodon.xyz and on Instagram.

Contact information

Email address: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi
Room: M330a in Undergraduate Center, Otakaari 1

Teaching experience

University of Helsinki

As course assistant

As study group instructor


"Kerran jo luulin olleeni väärässä, mutta huomasin pian erehtyneeni."
Paavo Väyrynen, apokryfisesti

"I once already began to believe I'd been wrong, but I soon noticed I was mistaken."
Paavo Väyrynen, apocryphally