Updated: 11.12.2018

Matlab basics, October 2018

Science-IT at SCI, Aalto University, Matlab basics   Heikki.Apiola'at'aalto.fi, Juha.Kuortti'at'aalto.fi

A Brief History of MATLAB by Cleve Moler

Current course-info

SOLUTIONS to Credit Exercises and some comments + references
  • There's an update of Credit exercises 9.11. Some instructions have been added and some sligt modifications made to simplify and clearify (especially in Exercises 2 and 3) Some more may come concerning the rest at the latest on Mo 12.11. Notice: We don't require perfection.
  • Credit exercises Return by Wed 14.11.18 (at 23.59.59)
  • Click here for Summaries, Instructions, Q&A etc.
        Please send us questions and comments by email!

    Mon 22.10.2018 klo 10:00-13:00
    Wed 24.10.2018 klo 10:00-13:00
    Mon 29.10.2018 klo 10:00-13:00
    Wed 31.10.2018 klo 10:00-13:00
Otaniemi, Otakaari 1, NOKIA 
(the auditorium next to student’s 
HUB/cafeteria, also known as U135a)
For more information, especially on Juha's materials, see the link on top.
(repeat it here: Science-IT at SCI, Aalto University )

Course material

Session 1, Juha

Mon 22.10, 10-13

Some Links appearing in slides

Sessions 2-3, Heikki

Wed 24.10, Mon 29.10.
Topics: Matrix operations, functions, linear systems of equations, graphics, polynomials, Logical operations (indexing), flow control, scripts and (user defined) functions (= programming), finding zeros, max/min, more on 2d- and 3d- graphics, Very basic experiments with finite difference method for Laplace's equation (if time permits).

History and facts about Magic Squares

Session 3

Files (m-files and others)

Session 4, Juha

Wed 31.10.
  1. electricity.csv
  2. data1.csv
  3. data2.csv
  4. data2_orig.csv
  5. data2_sorted.csv
  6. formData.csv
  7. gasprices.csv
  8. hurricanes.csv
  9. hurricanes3.csv
  10. hurricanes_v2.csv
  11. interpData.mat



In Finnish