Testi 1



Kokeillaan tällaista tekstiä

between $$. Here's one of my favorite identities:

$$e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0, \sin \alpha $$

$$\sin(\alpha + \beta)=\sin \alpha \cos \beta +$$

because it co

$$\sin(\alpha + \beta)=\sin\, \alpha \cos\,\beta + $$

Huomaa! Rivit, joilla on LaTeX:ia, on aloitettava yhdellä blankolla, ei esim. 2:lla!!!

DollaritakakenoLaTeXDollari ei mene läpi

Aapo $\sin\, \alpha$ TTTTT

$$\sin(\alpha + \beta)=\sin\, \alpha \cos\,\beta + $$


Each new titled cell creates a section. For a new paragraph without a new section, omit the cell title as I have done here.

Markup Tips

The MATLAB documentation contains a great table for marking up text.


Math is so important to the content of work done in MATLAB that it's worth learning how to format equations using TeX. Here is a table showing the collection of available mathematical symbols. To embed an equation into a published document, sandwich the TeX express between $$. Here's one of my favorite identities:

$$e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0$$

because it contains the most interesting numbers I know, apart from 17.

Getting the Code

By default when publishing to html, the M-file code that generates the document is included and available, via grabcode. You won't be able to get it from this post, alas, because one of the steps in getting this to the web inserts char([13 10]) for newlines instead of just char(10).


You can put in links directly.

Do You publish Results or Documents?

Do you publish reports, results, documents? Who is your intended audience? What has been working well for you? And what else would you like to see? Let us know!


Esimerkki tyotavasta: m-tiedosto

Esimerkki työtavasta: html-käännös

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Tiedosto ajo.m

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Tähän väliin selostusta... vaikka kuinka monta riviä (ilman alku-%-merkkiä).


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