Speaker: Bruno Bendedetti (KTH) Title: METRIC GEOMETRY AND COLLAPSIBILITY Abstract: A simplicial complex can be turned into a (piece-wise Euclidean) metric space by assigning the same length to all edges. We show that if a complex becomes a CAT(0) metric space with this metric, then it is combinatorially collapsible. This is a discrete analog of the classical theorem that CAT(0) complexes are contractible. As an application, we construct some manifolds different than balls that admit a collapsible triangulation. This contrasts a 1939 result of Whitehead. Also, it shows that discrete Morse theory can be sharper than smooth Morse theory in bounding the homology of a manifold. If time permits, we discuss extensions to different metrics and applications to Hirsch diameter bounds. This is joint work with Karim Adiprasito (http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.5789).