This directory contains the material for the HUT course Mat-1.150 Reaalianalyysi from years 94, 97 and 99 (99 unfinished). You may use them when studying the course book Walter Rudin: Real & Complex Analysis (mainly Chapters 1-8). How to read Rudin, mini exercises, ... Course description (spring 1999) Rea94, Rea97 & Rea99: Exercises, answers, examinations with answers. (I recommend starting from Rea99, those are most easily readable. The exercises are partially the same each year.) Rea94/ a counter example for exercise 4.3/S94, i.e., exercise 2.14 of the book. The material is in the postscript form. The easiest way to print it is to use the lpr command of Unix. You may view and print ps also with the ghostview program, which is contained in Unix systems and can be freely obtained for Windows from www (you some search engine for finding it from the net). 2.2.99