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Geometric interpretation of the complex Riccati equation
M.F. Dahl
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 95-111, 2007
Additional material
Mathematica toolbooks:
- Eigenvalues of 4x4 matrix appearing in the proof of
Proposition 2.2
[ .nb ,
.html ]
- Proof of identity for 2x2 matrices
used Section 5.1:
[ .nb ,
.html ]
- Plot Figure 1.:
[ .nb ,
.html ]
- Section 5.2:
Check that expressions for K(t) and S(t)
are correct:
[ .nb , .html ]
- Section 5.2: Check that K(t) and S(t) can
be calculated either using Proposition 2.2 or from eigenvalues
of $G$:
[ .nb ,
.html ]
- Plot Figure 2.:
[ .nb ,
.html ]
- Plot Figure 3.:
[ .nb ,
.html ]
useful links:
- Reference [4] can be found here .
This work has been funded by the
Graduate School Of Applied Electromagnetism
and the
Institute of Mathematics
at the
Helsinki University of Technology.
If you have questions or comments, please contact me
at matias.dahl
Last modified 22 August 2006 --- Matias Dahl