Löytöjä Matlab-manuaaleista, dokuista ... loytoja.m

|Math -> Arrays and Matr. -> Array ops -> arrayfun

A = arrayfun(fun, S)
A = arrayfun(fun, S, T, ...)
[A, B, ...] = arrayfun(fun, S, ...)
[A, ...] = arrayfun(fun, S, ..., 'param1', value1, ...)
A = arrayfun(fun, S) applies the function specified by fun to each element
 of array S, and returns the results in array A.

The value A returned by arrayfun is the same size as S, and the
(I,J,...)th element of A is equal to fun(S(I,J,...)).

The first input argument fun is a function handle to a function that takes
one input argument and returns a scalar value. fun must return values of
the same class each time it is called.
