Mat-1.3656 Seminar on numerical analysis and computational science

Monday, Sept 26, 2011, room U322 at 14.15, Eirola & Stenberg

Antti Hannukainen, A?
Preconditioning of the Helmholtz equation

In this talk, we discuss the convergence of the preconditioned GMRES method for the first order finite element discretizations of the Helmholtz equation in media with losses. We consider a Laplace preconditioner, an inexact Laplace preconditioner and a two-level preconditioner. Our analysis is based on bounding the field of values of the preconditioned system matrix in the complex plane. The analysis takes the non-normal nature of the linear system naturally into account and allows us to easily consider certain type of inexact Laplace preconditioners via a perturbation argument.  For the two-level preconditioner, our convergence analysis takes into account a media, which has not been considered in previous works.