Mat-1.600 Laskennallisen tieteen ja tekniikan seminaari

16.2.2004  14.15  U322

Marcus Rüter,  Hannover
Error-controlled adaptive finite element methods in large strain hyperelasticity and fracture mechanics

In this presentation, three different strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimates are derived and compared numerically in terms of their accuracy and reliability. The error estimators are capable of controlling the error obtained while approximately evaluating a given arbitrary linear or nonlinear functional using the finite element method. In this contribution, these functionals typically represent quantities of engineering interest arising in the theories of (in)compressible finite hyperelasticity and elastic fracture mechanics.

As a point of departure, an abstract framework for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation -- based on the solution of an auxiliary linear dual problem -- is established. In what follows, the abstract model problems are specified by the boundary value problems of finite hyperelasticity. On the constitutive side, fully spatial stress tensors within classical Newtonian mechanics and their dual counterparts, namely fully material stress tensors within Eshelbian mechanics, are established. Benefit of the so-called Eshelby stress tensors can be derived within the theory of elastic fracture mechanics in order to derive the $J$-integral as a fracture criterion. Since quantities of interest that rely on stress tensors -- such as the $J$-integral and mean stresses in subdomains -- are generally nonlinear, the corresponding linearizations are presented.

The linearizations are required in order to control the error of these functionals by means of goal-oriented a posteriori error estimators. The first of the three presented strategies for a posteriori error estimation rests upon the solution of Neumann problems on the element level subjected to so-called equilibrated residuals eventually leading to residual error estimators. Secondly, hierarchical error estimators based on the solutions of local Dirichlet problems on element patches are presented. The third strategy is based on averaging techniques in the sense that the approximate gradient fields, that appear in the associated error representations, are recovered. As it turns out, however, only by the first strategy guaranteed upper error bounds are obtained under certain assumptions, whereas the latter two strategies yield remarkably sharp error estimates with the side effect that no error bounds can be achieved.

Finally, illustrative numerical examples are presented, and the convergence behavior of the estimated errors and the associated effectivity indices are comparatively studied.