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Julkaisut rajattu henkilöihin: Alex Karrila

2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015


Damir, Mohamed Taoufiq, Karrila, Alex, Amoros, Laia, Gnilke, Oliver, Karpuk, David, Hollanti, Camilla: Well-Rounded Lattices Towards Optimal Coset Codes for Gaussian and Fading Wiretap Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 67(6), 2021, s. 3645-3663. [BibTeX...]


Karrila, Seppo J., Karrila, Alex: Alternative statements of the Rayleigh monotonicity law for linear time-invariant resistor networks driven by only voltages or only currents, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. 87(8), 2019, s. 675-678. [BibTeX...]

Karrila, Alex, Kytölä, Kalle, Peltola, Eveliina: Conformal blocks, q-combinatorics, and quantum group symmetry, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D. 6(3), 2019, s. 449-487. [BibTeX...]

Karrila, Alex, Kytölä, Kalle, Peltola, Eveliina: Boundary Correlations in Planar LERW and UST, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS., 2019. [BibTeX...]

Karrila, Alex: Conformally invariant scaling limits of random curves and correlations, 2019. [BibTeX...]


Karrila, Alex, Väisänen, Niko, Karpuk, David, Hollanti, Camilla: Lattice coding for Rician fading channels from Hadamard rotations, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2017., s. 3110-3114. [BibTeX...]

Gnilke, Oliver W., Barreal Fernandez, Amaro, Karrila, Alex, Tran Nguyen Thanh, Ha, Karpuk, David A., Hollanti, Camilla: Well-rounded lattices for coset coding in MIMO wiretap channels, 26th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, ITNAC 2016., s. 289-294. [BibTeX...]

Barreal Fernandez, Amaro, Karrila, Alex, Karpuk, David A., Hollanti, Camilla: Information bounds and flatness factor approximation for fading wiretap MIMO channels, 26th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, ITNAC 2016., s. 277-282. [BibTeX...]


Gnilke, Oliver, Tran Nguyen Thanh, Ha, Karrila, Alex, Hollanti, Camilla: Well-rounded lattices for reliability and security in Rayleigh fading SISO channels, 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) .. [BibTeX...]


Karrila, Alex, Hollanti, Camilla: A comparison of skewed and orthogonal lattices in Gaussian wiretap channels, 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2015.. [BibTeX...]

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