First time ever in Aalto University, the seminar celebrating the benefits of differences in thinking, seeing and doing mathematics and physics will be organized on Wednesday, the 20th of March 2013, in Dipoli (Otakaari 24, Espoo), starting at 12.30. The seminar will consist of 3 scientific talks by mathematicians and physicists, and a short panel discussion about different ways and objectives in doing science, followed by group discussions around the title. After the seminar, an evening occasion will be arranged for further discussions and networking. Everybody is welcome to participate! In order to arrange coffee, we'd like you to subscribe (before 17.3.) by following this link: REGISTRATION.
Confirmed program for the seminar:
12.30 Opening of the seminar, President of the Aalto University, Tuula Teeri
12.45 Docent Syksy Räsänen: Structure Formation and Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
13.15 Professor Ilona Riipinen: Atmospheric aerosol particles: Cooling the climate, polluting the air we breathe
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Professor Antti Kupiainen: What is random geometry?
14.50 Break
15.00 Panel discussion, chair: Docent Maaret Wager
15.30-16.30 Group discussions (see topics below)
16.30 Concluding remarks
17.00 Evening occasion
The topics for the group discussions (click on the topic):
- Merits vs. unspoken qualifications
- Academic career paths: standardized vs. diverse
- Life vs. career
- Research vs. teaching vs. societal influence
- Diversity vs. monoculture
- Team vs. solo - as a way of working
- Competitiveness vs. sharing
- Specialization vs. general knowledge
- Zombieness vs. personality
Confirmed chairs for the discussion groups: Professors Miikka Dal Maso, Camilla Hollanti, Nuutti Hyvönen, Mauri Kostiainen, Peter Liljeroth, Olavi Nevanlinna, Ritva Serimaa, Filip Tuomisto, Hanna Vehkamäki
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to welcome you to this seminar! We'd be glad to answer all your questions!
Doctoral Candidate Jaana Vapaavuori (firstname.lastname (at)
University Lecturer Riikka Kangaslampi (firstname.lastname (at)