A Celebration of Diversity in Mathematics and Physics

Value of Diversity in Physics and Mathematics

In March 2013 we organized in Aalto University first ever seminar celebrating the benefits of differences in thinking, seeing and doing mathematics and physics. Due to the success of the happening, we will continue on Tuesday, the 21st of October 2014, in lecture hall M1 at the Department of Mathematics and Systems analysis (Otakaari 1, Espoo), starting at 12.15. Note that the place has changed from earlier information!

In the seminar we will hear scientific talks by Samuli Siltanen (industrial mathematics), Minna Palmrooth (space research), Anne Lähteenmäki (radio astronomy) and Minna Nikunen (social psychology, gender studies). After the talks, all the speakers will participate on a panel discussion about diversity in physics and mathematics.

Program for the seminar:

12.15 Opening of the seminar, Dean Risto Nieminen
12.20 Senior Researcher Minna Nikunen: Gendered expectations and demands of the academic work: experiences of Finnish researchers
13.00 Professor Anne Lähteenmäki: Radio eyes watch the skies - radio astronomy as a tool for understanding the universe
13.40 Coffee
14.00 Professor Samuli Siltanen: Inverse Problems in Human Speech Research
14.40 Research Professor Minna Palmroth: Modelling space weather with supercomputers
15.30-16.30 Panel discussion: Roles and Expectations, chair: Professor Nuutti Hyvönen

See abstracts for the talks.

Participation is free, but we kindly ask you to register via the registration form to make sure that we have enough coffee and pulla.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to welcome you to the seminar!
We'd be glad to answer all your questions.

Dr Jaana Vapaavuori, Dr Riikka Kangaslampi, Dr Jenny Vainio, MSc Ville Valtavirta

(Information about last year's seminar can be found here.)