Abstract submission

The extended deadline for submitting abstracts for conference talks is on Monday May 21, 2012. Please use abstract-template-Aalto.tex for your conference talk abstract, and then send your abstract to


The deadline for registration is on Thursday May 31, 2012. To register as participant of the meeting, please contact the organisers by email (ville.turunen (at) aalto.fi). Right now, we only need to know your name and affiliation. Registration fee of 50 euros (reduced to 25 euros for those who participate the main ECM in Krakow) must be paid in cash at the venue when arriving at the conference; this fee covers the organisational expenses, conference material, refreshements and get-together-party on Monday June 25, 2012.

About Aalto University

Aalto University is a multidisciplinary science, business and art community. The University's goal is to develop as a unique entity to become one of the world's top universities. Aalto University's cornerstones are its strengths in education and research.